A real emergency one ...

A real emergency blip today. I had to. A day that flew away. A day working on my computer. Going directly to my Rotary meeting. Listening to a lecture about China, their strategy for developing their trade, their power, the strategy behind their Silk Road to Europe, the power between the nations and so on.  An eye opener even if I always think I have my eyes open to follow global developments. India and China will soon have 2,8 billion people. 100 million more in China every 10 years if it continues like today. Their energy is mainly based on coal. What does it help if I drive an electric car, or Norway cuts its production of oil to change to clean energy power from wind mills, to save the world from global warming?  I know. We have to save the world, but I don`t know how much little us can help. Blip shot when leaving the meeting to go to a restaurant near by with some good friends. Good food. The talk around the table, however, continued about China, and if Brexit and and.   

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