Jackson Pollock Iced!

Edit: See below

Today saw freezing rain, though relatively light. While it beautified trees and bushes--at least for this blipper, things underfoot were terrible.

Here I find the white ice and black branches with a few left-over rufous leaves quite a wonderful combination--that for me evokes Jackson Pollock (1912-1956), the American artist who dripped paint on his canvases. One of my favorite Pollocks is Autumn Rhythm, in the Metropolitan.

And I was moved to backdate this image of a flock of Snow Geese in New Mexico from just over eight years ago. It was a ten-day trip to New Mexico--I've backdated the first day as well and I'll try to do a few more in the next couple of days.

Edit: I posted this a couple of hours ago, before we watched the PBS (Public Broadcasting System) News Hour broadcast from today (17 December). At the end they showed a very moving tribute to the victims of the massacre in Newtown, with one-by-one pictures of the victims (as they have have done every few days for the military casualties of our wars in Afghanistan and Iraq).

Here's a link to the PBS site--the video of the show should be available in about three days, and you will need to wait for the end (or move up to it if you can)--believe me, if you can get to it, it's worth the effort.

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