tyin' knots

By caj

before ...

This photo was taken about 20 minutes before the whole thing toppled over - what an adventure it was today! I went with a group of friends from church to cut trees! It was a gorgeous morning of fun and fellowship. I found my perfect little tree and cut him down myself. When I got home I discovered, my stand had a crack in it - and of course could not find a replacement at any store in town - so I bought a nice purple feed bucket to put my cracked stand inside of - decent fix. After some monkeying I finally got him in there straight - he was a leaner, I had discovered, but I sure thought we'd found our balance! So the decorating commenced, was enjoyed, and finished. And then... I heard swish, clinking and tinkling, and a small waterfall (onto the carpet). So laughing - a better option than crying (though it was considered) - I pushed him quickly up and leaning into the corner and began to mop up the carpet. and then I went to bed - will try again tomorrow!

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