Tussock Tales

By TussockTales

Calendar Girl

A lot of folk have asked for this one so here I am with my lovely Blip calendar.
Difficult day today as acyclinggranny lost her modem (it died) so The Boss spent some time trying to sus it out and she is coming by tonight to blip from his computer. After over 300 in a row you simply cannot miss out so close to the 365. Must be Christmas as a DIG group member also phoned today with a computer story that sounded really bad as well and a lady customer in the post office this morning complained to The Boss of serious Christmas stress.

What can I say to all this but Bark Humbug!

Er... Hey Boss when are you going past the Vet to get my Christmas pressie? There was a ton of really interesting looking stuff on the wall last time I was there so something that Squeaks Loudly and can be thrown around the house would be nice.

Bigger Calendar

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