
By Kaysha

Oh Christmas Tree

Miss A was sick through the night, poor wee thing, so instead of playgroup we decided to lay low at home. A skype call to Gran and Grandad, making a sleigh out of cushions and pretending to be Santa, Rudolph and an Elf helped cheer her up and she seemed to be back to her happy self.

While I tended to the mountain of sick-covered washing, Little D re-acquainted himself with the Christmas tree, rearranging and eating the decorations that hung from it (and no, they were not edible!). No matter how many times I chase him away from the tree, he comes back more determined than before, yanking the decorations from the branches and eating/breaking/hiding them through the house. It'll be interesting to see how many decs will actually survive intact and make it back into the attic after christmas is over...

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