I can see clearly now

I'm planning my next project: 
I need a new home for my Hanullis and all  their equipment. 
I also want to finish a table for photographing (with storage place) and a shelf for my mosaic stones and my pottery.... both I had planned and prepeared about two years ago and I can't find my notations back. 
What the heck did I want to build with all those pieces????

I was VERY confused, getting new insane ideas (Hey, what's about an integrated light table????) and have no time for a serious new planning. I've to visit the building store tomorrow (In reality today, it's a backblip) because I've no car for some days (P. started to study again (Yeah, finally!!!), but need my car to get there in the first weeks).
No matter, my Hanullis cleaned my glasses, so that I'll get a clear view on my plans. Aren't they lovely?
I can see clearly now :-))

Reminder for the Tiny People Challenge TiPS.
Have a look here for the entries in April so far to get an idea.
The tag for April is TiPS32.
You can make as many entries as you like. I'm looking forward to many creative entries of the adventures of all sorts of tiny figures. Have fun!

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