Loving Lichens, pt1

Edit: Woohoo, little Missy Miss Chief is top of the pops, happiness is infectious, thanks everyone. 

So today was the day. A totally new session delivered to some of my peers. 
It's always awks when you step up from "I'm a keen amateur" to saying "I think I can teach this"  especially in a pond that's realistically as small as the mountain one I swim in.

But, despite nervously investing a ridiculous amount of time in questioning myself and double checking this week.... 
..... It went really well, smiles all round. 

I'd hoped we'd leave the session (3hrs) with a good understanding of complexity. An ability to categorise and maybe, just maybe, 7 or 8 definite field "species level" identifications
But my oh my. .. J won with 14 confirmed, H&I were right behind with 13, and I even got a new species for me. We spent a good while discussing the difference between JamTarts and Wine Gums. It seemed to help. 
Star of the show however was the complex, impressive and nationally rare Peltigera britannica which can be seen in extras.

So ... 
There seemed to be a goodly amount of interest in a blip lichen wander. Despite having loitered here for half a decade or so I've no real idea how to go about such a thing. If someone lovely could email me details of how to (see bio) I'll try and arrange it soon. 

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