Saturday: The Grand National

As expected, it's been a very full and social day. We started off by visiting one of my aunties in her new flat, near the town centre. It's lovely and light and a definite improvement on where she was.

After that, we decamped to my cousin's partner's parents' house (stay with me.....) to visit 'The Happy Drinker', which he was desperate to show us. It's a mini pub in the garden and it is done with such perfection, it's amazing. I'm completely taken with it, and can already see my future garden flashing before my eyes.

It was then in to the town, to 'The Bodega', to meet up with everyone else - particularly those family members coming from the match. Apparently, we helped them get over Newcastle's loss to Crystal Palace. In total, we were K and I, five cousins (three with partners), three aunties and two uncles. There are a lot of us and we all ended up in China Town for dinner.

This was the pub after the match. We suspect a lot of people came in because the Grand National was on the TV. If I tell you that I chose this time to go to the bar I'm sure you'll feel for me........

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