Boat lift

Oh what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day. What a change in the weather, we had breakfast outside and then ventured into Cheshire up to Northwich and a visit to the Anderton Boat Lift : a two caisson lift lock providing a 50 foot vertical link between the Trent and Mersey Canal and the River Weaver; the boat lift was originally built in 1875 to link the two waterways and for the carriage by boat of coal and salt (Northwich being a large manufacturer of salt) and was in use for over 100 years until it was closed in 1983 due to corrosion. Restoration started in 2001 and the boat lift was re-opened in 2002. The lift itself is an amazing structure and provides an exciting half hour of being transported 50 feet by hydraulic lift from the canal to the River Weaver below. We then had a very pleasant half hour trip on the boat up River to Northwich - as you can see I took the helm ......... for all of two seconds!!

We've really enjoyed the day, met some lovely people and loved the sunshine.

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