
By momcat1

A lucky find!

We walked through Sapsucker woods at the Cornell Ornithology Lab today and saw mostly woodpeckers- it has been pretty cold  so there wasn't much out and about there (except in the pond- where there were tiffing and courting geese, a couple of mallards, two hooded  mergansers and 14 ring necked ducks_ two of whom are in extras). We tried to walk to Jetty Woods at the golf course by the lake , but it was closed for nesting ospreys. So we walked  over to the lake (Cayuga) and along the shore a bit. I was hoping to see some ducks , but there were mostly Canada geese and ring billed gulls. Until the odd goose flew in- which we think we ID'd as a greater white fronted goose. Must be having out with  the canada geese. Wow ! a rarity!

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