
By caitjob

Tick tock

It's been a while as Martin came to visit and lots happened which I shall fill you in with now...

So yes, last lecture on Médée in the morning followed by a slightly earlier than normal romanticism class. Had to do a partiel on a Keats poem which I think went alright, will find out tomorrow as I'm back-blipping from Tuesday. As it was in English I finished earlier than everyone else and got to go early meaning I managed to get to Gare du Nord to pick up Martin a bit early. Took some pictures of the clock which unfortunately didn't turn out very well.

We then went and had dinner at le Marais in the place (L'As du Fallafel) that I wanted to go to last time I was here but it was closed. Very yummy food. Will definitely go back. We then wandered towards the Hotel de Ville and looked at the Christmas lights as well as Notre Dame where there was a celebration for it's 850 year anniversary.

Next had to let Martin experience the pub quiz and we managed to get a good place but that's where it all went a bit wrong. His bag ended up being stolen with all his things in. (Passport, camera, laptop and eurostar ticket home). Reported the theft to the police immediately who said it was too soon to report it and to come back the next day. Not very helpful at all.

Plan for a relaxing visit ruined.

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