Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR


Thank you for all your kind messages about Murdoch. I read every one of them and appreciate your comforting words. I know many of you have also experienced the loss of a beloved pet, so you know how it feels. He was such a part of this family, our boys grew up with him, he was my constant companion always at my side, his love was so unconditional and faithful that his absence is being felt every minute of the day. Being at home is painful as wherever we are in the house we are reminded of him. Coming downstairs this morning and not having that lovely welcome from him was awful. Thomas says he was like having another brother, and I know what he means. If we ever get another dog, it will never be the same again as Murdoch was part of the entire family - with the boys now moving on with their lives they are not likely to know a possible new dog as well as they knew Murdoch. The tears have not stopped but we have to get on with our day. I missed my daily walk today very much. Gavin could barely get himself to work this morning.

This morning I phoned the vet to cancel an appointment that Murdoch had later this week, but thankfully they already knew about his loss as the emergency vet hospital had already transferred the file to them. I then had to contact his groomer and cancel an appointment for next month. All so sad.

I am keeping busy - I went to buy groceries and stopped off to take some photos of these lovely blossoms. Unfortunately it was a dull morning and very grey so the light on these blossoms was not the best. 

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