River of Flowers

By doffy

Tuesday: Ladybird and Cabbages

Early morning was grey and chilly. It took me a long time to get moving this morning, even though I was up before 8am when MrD went off to work.
Hung the washing out and started pottering in the garden behind the garage, see extra photo ...
I planted out 2 types of Broad Beans: crimson flowered ones which I'd started off last autumn and Bunyard's Exhibition which was a gift from Jo - thank you xx
Cleared the whole patch then planted mustard "Green in the Snow", baby leeks, Chinese chives and Cabbage April, also from Jo! xx
Mulched the broad beans with the sawdust from the tree surgery last month and will continue watering with washing up water unless we get rain :-))
Wind picked up this afternoon, sunshine too but very cold.
"Spotted" a ladybird on one of my many journeys to the greenhouse!!
Goodnight all x

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