and through the wire...

By hesscat

Portrait Of A Cat

135 days since my last portrait orientated blip! I've not really been keen on how blip presents portrait photos so in 1925 blips I have only published about 30 of them and even then the majority of them were in the early days, possibly before the blipfoto site was revamped. Sometimes I have not been able to view a portrait photo all at once. That might explain why...

Of course, maybe I am not so good at portraits and only do it when I have to or strike lucky :-) 

Here's a view from my work desk of Jess staring out the window, it might be the best view from the house and perfect for cats. Often cows or pheasants stroll just a few feet away. Jess doesn't really live upstairs as it is Molly's domain. But she makes 1 or 2 trips upstairs and only ever walks to the far left of the carpet here, Molly is usually on the right. Occasionally they are looking out each window, side by side. Only once has Jess ventured past the middle of the room, onto the table then onto my lap while Molly was on the cushion right next to me. Eh? Where did that come from?

As we spend most of our down time in this room, we really encourage Jess to come up and spend time with us but it is not for long. She is happy to sleep on my desk in the office though, once I clear it. I am hoping she will chill with us one day... instead she mostly stays downstairs, often by herself but I will save that very sad story for another time (she is very needy!).

Right, where was I?

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