Stuff I've Seen & That

By trevtrev72

The Missing 10p

Bit of retrospective blipping here.

Lovely night spent at 8 Bar and then to the recently re-opened Kings ehad, where they have moved the pool table to a more social place and not in the way of anyone not playing.

We set up camp and after the boy had warmed up the table for them, the stage was set for a battle of wit, nerves of steel and supreme skill worthy of the Crucible, alas this wasn't forthcoming, but what did ensue was a game of hilarity and eventually once their bad shots had been worn out some pretty good ones.

The highlight of the evening was in fact when Josie lined up the final shot on the black and nudged 10p (that had been set aside to claim the next game of pool) into the middle pocket which was irretrievable. This photo is after several hands had come up short at retrieving said 10p and people started to jokingly point the finger. It was hilarious. She did also go on to pot the black and win, but by that stage it was irrelevant.

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