Stuff I've Seen & That

By trevtrev72

Last Graphics Ball

So classic Graphics Ball, after tickets had been so illusive they sold them only one week before and they flew, I've always been quick to get a ticket and this was no exception. Such a good wee night.

Pre drinks at the girls, after I picked up my dry cleaned suit, wore my shite shirt and showed Josie.

Then off to Gylly, loads of highlights:

Will slapping Ashley's bald head,
then having a good chat with Ashley as we both laughed at how drunk Will was,
Sheri and how drunk she was seemingly from just walking out of a taxi
(also when i told her we should come back as tutors she said it would be funny to hear 'Aw I've got a learning team with Sheri: FUCK!, made me laugh too much,apparently people wouldn't mind too much being in my learning team),
Ben saying that Ian Froome was too sexy for his shirt was the reason the police where there. (someone got punched)
Walking across the dance floor and countless people commenting and anyone who say me staring at the magnificence of the shite shirt,
Caused quite a stir with tutors too.

This post may make next to no sense, but it documents the things for me and for this day, I think that's all that matters, it's quite a land mark

Here's one of the photos I didn't take undercover(sneakily) as I have been known to do, get's more natural shots, here is most of the guys, even though a fair few are hiding behind people.

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