A New Day

By ANewDay

Looks are Deceptive

It looks here like a lovely sunny Spring day and it was, up to a point.  However, there was a strong and bitingly cold wind which rather spoiled the effect when you stepped outside:-)

We went for a drive this afternoon along the coast road (see Extra) and this lovely pony (and its mate just seen behind) were in a field near the Lindores Abbey Distillery.  Blip sorted, which was just as well as I'd no sooner taken the second photo than my camera battery died on me!  I'd left my compact at home and can't see to use the phone, so that was it.

We continued on to Balmerino Abbey and had a brief walk among the ruins before the wind sent us hurrying back to the warmth of the car.  My daughter tells me it was snowing in the south of England this morning, so it's not just us who have had the raw weather!

Mixed news from the hospital, as it so often is.

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