tinky tinky winky bell

today Littlest had her birthday party. It's her birthday on Friday, she will be 9.
I took her and her friends and cousin to the cinema to watch Tinkerbell. I know it's a bit of a spoiler but they managed to rescue the fairy forest. You'll be relieved to know that. I certainly was. I was getting quite worried.
Disney does not seem to know the meaning of suspense; all problems seemed to get solved within seconds and the film could've ended at any point and it would've been a happy experience. Disney also seems to be determined to use accents to be as insulting as possible. I'd almost gotten over Robin Hood (made in 1973, I started being disturbed by in in utero) but now I have this - why is the fat, stupid one the one who speaks Swiss German in the dubbed version? It's just a tiny bit insulting.
I made this cake for her late last night/early this morning. It was a bit of a disaster as it fell apart as I took it out of the tin. It took all my plastering skills to get it into any kind of shape. But it was well received and was so sweet due to the butter cream "plaster" that we all felt sick after eating it. What more can one possibly want?

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