Copper Beech Photography

By Copperhobnob


Its Face Down Tuesday! FDT is also moonlighting for another challenge too. In our JFDI group, the lovely Clodders has set the 7 Deadly Sins as this weeks challenge so here is gluttony.

Tough day today. Got the all clear at melanoma clinic (yay!) but have another asthma attack. Foolishly thought i could go to work and struggled through until 3pm but had to go home. However, i did get my charity picked at work so they'll get a donation from my employers and a lady from the BBC contacted me to ask if they could use a picture and talk to me on the UK evening news! They didn't do a piece in the end but my picture is on the BBC website. Yay :)

My husband was hoping the kitchen table would collapse under me while taking this shot so he could laugh about it for the rest of his life. Sadly for him, it didn't.

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