
By grasshopper6


“I am myself and my circumstances” Ortega y Gasset

This has always been one of the philosophical quotes that has had the most impact in my imagination.  We cannot divide the self from its surroundings, because it is shaped by them.
We are a product of our genes, 50 per cent from each parent, but we are also the result of our upbringing and the place and time we are born into. Our culture, expectations, the books we’ve read, the people we’ve loved.  We are also our experiences, our difficulties and the outcome of our decisions.

In my life I have made some good decisions, some bad, some misguided, catastrophic and others that turn out spectacularly lucky.  But they are all mine. I own them. They are part of me..

Thank you so much to everyone for your stars and hearts for my “layers” series.  I am overwhelmed by your support.

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