
I was determined to go bulb-field-hunting today, so I did.

Later, after post-processing and dinner, did some work again and finished that class that was 'hanging' yesterday.  And then I started another cultural MOOC, but no rush.

Actually, though, I'm tired thinking.  I would like a day when I don't have to go to work or do anything at home, and just nap, eat, drink tea, and read.  I'm not in much of a position to help the Countess, much as I would love to.  There's also something really crazy going on in MNL in the old country, and I can't do anything about that either.  Over here, our life is going fine, with its ups and downs but fine, and I should focus more on my work, but when I feel this way I tend to think more about retirement.  Or sleep.  Loads of sleep.  Long, endless weeks of sleep.

I've sent an email to the husband of a secondary school batchmate of mine.  He's a solicitor (Am. lawyer).  I told him I'm curious about my inheritance rights as a foreigner.  Not that I have any plans, but it's good to have some knowledge of the law so that my leg doesn't get pulled.  I'm not the one who needs the money, but someone else does need it and I could help that way, maybe.  But maybe, with this money, I could retire even earlier?  It's a tempting thought which I can't afford to entertain because I'd be selling my soul if I went for it.  And then the trouble I'd need to take to wrestle and wrangle and fight ... and I'm tired enough as it is.

It was good to go to the fields again and try to get back the old brand of enthusiasm, despite the cold.  It was close to freezing, or at least it felt that way.  This was shot close to Achthuizen on the way to Zeeland.  There's more to see there and I hope to return tomorrow, after work.  There are a couple of extras.

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