
George and Kat tell me that in the last month, William has started being very experimental at Soft Play sessions and shows no fear climbing and scrambling over obstacles. He brought that into play today, climbing all over the settee and sliding down the small stool in the conservatory.

Mummy Meet was cancelled because Ant was away on holiday. After popping round to Sue's with both William and Basil, because I want William to get used to Basil, we headed off to Barlestone once more to buy Will a new pair of shoes.

He's well pleased with them, as are his parents who tend to worry that I won't keep up with current fashion trends. Besides, the chosen colour scheme goes well with all his outfits.

Hanging out in the conservatory in the afternoon seems to suit Len and Will as well as me. 5 pm before I realised the time.

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