Final book group meeting of the year

Everything in the Penistone area seems to happen on a Wednesday night - the community choir, the book group the camera club - to name but three and since I've been attending the CC I seem to have neglected the book group. It was good to catch up with everyone tonight and I've now got Jamaica Inn to read - I have to confess that I've never read a Daphne Du Maurier.

I finished reading Woman in Black at 11.30 last night and then needed to come downstairs to eat two biscuits as I was starving - something I never do! (I'm not sure why it has taken me so long to read that book either, given it sits on our shelf.) I wonder about the malicious `ghostly lady' and her passion for killing off other people's children in revenge for the loss of her own. It doesn't strike me that it's something women go in for. Susan Hill is a superb writer though!

Today has never truly got light - twilight all day :( I really hate it when it's like this. Even though I took the camera with me when I drove mum home I never felt inspired enough to take it out and use it - so mince pies and books it had to be.

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