
I had another tantric massage this evening after work. The experience was very different to last week’s, which Luis assures me is normal. This time I was concentrating less well, possibly due to numerous pressing work things that reared their heads today and played on the mind no matter how much I tried to suppress. It meant it was harder to focus and get into the deep zone of the session. I got there eventually and passed in and out of awareness until I went under and awoke with a start and a trembling body. Without having any clue whatsoever, two hours passed. I remember having claw-like hands, a jaw that locked and a core that felt tight and powerful, like they always encourage you to have in yoga. When I came round it felt like I’d spent a long time underwater and had had local anaesthetic on my gums. Whilst this may all sound like torture, it’s the opposite, and is a very effective way of ridding the mind of all manner of crud.

It’s impossible to unpick the reasons behind how one may react to a tantric massage or any sort of healing therapy, on any given day. It must relate to the micro-stresses of the day, how well fed, rested and hydrated one is, and varied other emotional pressures. But I certainly recommend these long massage sessions for the powerful impact and sense of awe at the body’s reactions.

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