
By fotogeek_2019

Charlie #3

As you all seem to love updates in what Charlie feathers is doing here is another update.

I was home alone with Charlie today and he did nothing wrong, didn't move from his perch on top of the TV. Until my mum came home and then he was flying all over the house and shouting everything he knows. Until he managed to settle and watch my mum cook tea. He even samples the ingredients. In the picture you can see him eating a tortilla wrap on top of the kitchen door. The only sampled food he ate whole and didn't throw on the floor. We only have him a little bit because it's bad for him but he still proceeded to try and steal ours.

Started supernatural and finished the chilling adventures of Sabrina today. As I was ill and couldn't go outside. Loved them both. I recommend.

Hope you all enjoyed the sunshine and had a great day!

Charlie xx

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