People on a Bridge

By zerohour

More Cows

Here is the heard (you've seen one of them in my blip from yesterday). They all look happy and pensive in this beautiful, bright sun.

This song comes to mind.

I have been very happily looking at your journals lately. It's such a pleasure to catch up with you all! :-) I have been pondering my blip journal. It is not really there, I can't hold it, or put it on my shelf, and yet it is remarkably real to me, much more than a lot of things I physically have. Similarly, the blip relationships are quite unique. We get to know each other a tiny bit by tiny bit, in one-day slices. Sometimes we are lucky, and get to meet in person. It feels like going back to letter writing, one letter a day, or less. I am much more comfortable with blip speed than with the idea that anyone can (and expects to!) reach anyone this instant, via texting or cell phone.

As long as all is reasonably well, I will happily wait a day or three for your updates.

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