La plume de ma tante

Out for a much overdue visit to the aunt. Enjoyable chatter as ever, and I was most intrigued by her take on the fire at the Notre Dame. I think her sympathy for the French was reduced, shall we say, by the fact that they let the Germans walk into Paris without contest in WW2 to prevent damage to their beloved city. While the British and Germans bombed each other’s towns and their medieval churches to bits. It’s certainly an angle.
Later! Out to theatre. Yes, for there was a preview showing of Doorways in Drumorty (“Mike Gibb’s Smash Scottish Play”) - if you were on the very select invite list. Which, thanks to Cigs, we were. And they’d spared no expense - I recognised those M&S sandwich platters from my working days. As to the play, it was very well acted and the opening twenty minutes were pretty decent. And there were a couple of amusing scenes. Two halves of 55 minutes each though…hmmmm…
Afterwards we met up with Cigs’ other half (if that’s the right expression - maybe I should just have said we met up with her)  and legged it to Hamman’s. Those M&S sandwiches never were enough.

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