A Good...


J & S, our holiday buddies, messaged yesterday evening to see if we were free for a catch up today. Mr C was keen for them to come over to ours but I fancied going out, so out we went. We met in Kingston sitting in a pub garden by the river, enjoying the company, chatting about weddings as their youngest son got engaged a couple of weeks ago and loving the sunshine. We stayed there a couple of hours before going across the road to have a late lunch /early dinner in the Giggling Squid. A delicious meal, wine and cocktail (not in that order) we then strolled along the riverside, which was full of people enjoying the weather to another watering hole overlooking the river. Just one drink (a soft one for me & J) and then we went our separate ways to catch the bus home. A lovely spur of the moment afternoon that was really enjoyable.

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