
By memento

Around the world... ten minutes or so

I found this incredibly fun travel IQ link in one of the off-topic forum threads last week and couldn't resist. The quiz throws out the name of a city and you have to click on the world map where you believe it is located.

After my fourth try, I scored 129, which is not shabby at all...I was so impressed with myself, I made a screen shot of my score..:-)

Now, I'll be the first to say that I'm not a genius, geographically or otherwise...I give blipfoto full and complete credit for my sharpened knowledge of geography. This is because I have spent more time than ever before on Google Earth since I started blipping...checking out where blippers live.

A short list of my closest and proudest clicks in this website quiz:

37 km from Lima, Peru, thanks to ~su
98 km from Shenyang, China, thanks to ~ausmossie
47 km from Athens, thanks to ~rena
89 km from Bangkok, thanks to ~mango
15 km from Manchester, thanks to ~shy and ~Flick
56 km from Toronto, thanks to ~more stuff
28 km from Dublin, thanks to ~sunflower and all the Irish blippers
21 km from Edinburgh, thanks to ~joe and all the Scottish blippers
15 km from Muscat, Oman, thanks to ~David77
34 km from Lusaka, Zambia, thanks to ~LuvU2
27 m from Stockholm, thanks to ~birgittalu
12 km from Christchurch, thanks to ~barking and all the kiwi blippers

And so on, you get my drift. Point is, would I have as much of an interest in where specific cities are if I weren't trying to pinpoint blippers? Who knows.

Lastly, but not least importantly, I would like to link you to Wonderlust's blip of this amazing place. It is one of the great wonders of nature and because it was a backblip, it may not get the airtime it deserves. Please check it out when you feel like you need some wonderment in your life.

processing: motion blur added in PS

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