No Entry

I met our former Landrat* (the head of the county) at the fence of pond 1 of the Kranichwoog. He told me that there are many violations of the "No Entry" of the area. Each will be reported. So far camp fires and parties and quad bikes there despite the fence. Not good.
Nature needs be left alone. Pond 2 and 3 are still in the making, but pond 1 is already closely observed by the NABU**: it is left all by itself and we are watching what animals and plants will appear. Very exciting.
And there will be a guided tour in May. I hope I can go.

*PS. The Landrat is a nice man, it's not his fault "Landrat" in English sounds that stupid. BTW both the old and the new Landrat are from my town. My town is known as the "Landratschmiede"...and now I can't come up with a translation for that....
**NABU: Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union in Germany

20:05; 23°C

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