Tower Bridge

Wow 1095!!!!

I can't believe that I've been 3 *yes 3* years of blipping - last night I almost posted my one empty space which is a pic of Apache which I forgot about from a couple of weeks ago - OMG just imagine an almost blurred cat pic to celebrate :)

Anyway I knew that the bridge was going to open at 19.20 tonight so I was prepared and dragged the tripod to work and took a few shots, I liked this one as the boat is almsot creating a light trail, but OMG I've got some blobs on my sensor so guess what I'll be doing tomorrow - I've even blippid this as aJPEG/ RAW combination so that one day when I can work out how to use Lightrom I can have aproper play :)

I'd like to say a massive thanks to Joe and all the guys at Blip Central who make this site possible and also to all my fellow subscribers who post lovely comments whether you pop in occassionally or daily I'm grateful to everyone.

I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and assuming the Mayans are wrong and that the world won't end (tee hee) a wonderful New Year t all us blippers.

Of course personally I'm hoping 2013 is nothing that this year with regard to family sickness and D being 5500 miles away

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