Greator Rocks

The forecast suggested that today was going to be the last day of the lovely weather we've been having so I decided I'd go up to the moor. I washed half the Sahara desert off my windscreen and drove up to Holwell. From there it's a fairly short walk over Holwell Lawn to Greator Rocks. There are several tors on Dartmoor that have 'rocks' applied to their name. One is Haytor Rocks and there's Bonehill Rocks that I can think of immediately. In the case of Greator Rocks there is a nearby place on the OS map called Greator so I guess it distinguishes the two.

I think they're lovely shaped rocks, from the side they're a nice pyramid shape and from round a bit they have a two humped shape. I quite like this view with the hawthorn tree and the rock in the foreground.

I was surprised to see that around here and on Holwell Lawn the bluebells are already coming out. They have a bit to do yet so this week or next they should be showing good cover. That seems very early, it was 18th May I blipped them at Emsworthy last year.

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