
Leaving Granton today, or soonest, passengers are welcome aboard the sailing vessel Rascallion, recently having undergone refitting and now offering first class accommodation to travellers wishing to view at first hand the many and various spectacles surrounding the Firth of Forth. It is intended to sail past the Island of Inchmickery, of interest to military historians, before passing many seabird nesting places on wild rocks, the marvel of construction that is the Oxcars light, and majestic Inchcolm, famously mentioned in Macbeth, with its Augustinian abbey. Thence to view the rail bridge from nearby Inchgarvie before returning via Mortimer’s Deep to Aberdour, a comfortable overnight haven, where passengers may alight for their evening meal.
On this voyage we have been honoured by the booking of the eminent man of letters, AJ McFlea, who has promised to give a series of talks inspired by the excursion which the owners know will be keenly anticipated and well received. Also available are opportunities for time served crew, particularly cooks.
Please apply to MrP, shipping offices, middle pier, Granton.

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