family of 4 x

By CarrieMills


This was one of Erin's Christmas outfits from her first christmas. My mum likes to run a theme each year, last year was snowmen. I wonder what this year will be?

Didn't go out today but mum did come round to watch the babies while I had my hair done. It's finally getting closer to the blonde that I want.

Mark got back from work at 430 and went straight back out again for a spot of Christmas shopping. Cooked mum some tea and she help with bedtime. Mark finally got back at 1030 and we are almost done on the present front.

Caleb had a shocker of a night last night. Waking up every hour or so screaming. It's probably due to his cold and teething but it was horrible. Nothing could calm him. And so far tonight is going in the same direction. Oh fun!

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