and through the wire...

By hesscat

Drive All Night

I can remember the time when there weren't electric screwdrivers, for some reason back then I favoured slotted screws (sorry I interrupt this waffle to mention this waffle is only going to get worse), but actually I wonder if it was because slotted screws needed more pressure to twist than a phillips screw that also needed pressure into it as well as the twist (I warned ya).

But since electric screwdrivers came along I wouldn't do without phillips screws because all the pressure can be focused into the screw leaving the rotation to be take care of by the driver. Anyway, I had intended blethering about the driver, not the screw, but you put me off. 

Aye, there is no way I could be doing this attic project without this workhorse, I think I got the new one when I started, I've been through hundreds and hundreds of screws, in places and positions I'd never have been able to do manually. How did they use to do it without them?

I'll try harder tomorrow...

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