
By feefifofum

Got that Christmassy feeling yet?

Alas, not really. Went out to get my hair cut first thing, then I set out with Alastair to try and conquer ALL our Christmas shopping (bar the few things I bought online the other day) in one day. It was pretty stressful, but we had a nice break for lunch at the standing order, and we got most of it :) We went to pick up the car from the garage and had a little bit of a drama with the breaks while I was trying to drive home, so back to the garage, the dirt wiped off the ABS sensors and all was fine, although I then made Alastair drive home after being slightly traumatised. More Christmas shopping at the fort to buy the last few bits and pieces I needed. Back to the flat to pack for heading down south tomorrow, tried to make myself feel more Christmassy by sticking some Christmas music on and attacking the window with more snowflakes, ok, so some are definitely not perfect (note limbless snowflake) but nevermind, looks suitably wintery and fun anyhoo. I'm hoping I'll be feeling more in the mood for Christmas when I'm home, or maybe I'm just getting old?

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