
By lauramary


Last year K, aged 2, learnt the word ‘wisteria’ walking past this gorgeous plant. She had the best pronunciation, with a joyful tone. Today I passed it again and thought of her before walking past once more with her and Louise later.

I felt quite odd at times today but tried to ignore it and was probably okay for the most part. I got a bit stressed trying to sort out my prescriptions. Well, it was Louise sorting it really but I still felt stressed. And in the end it turned out we didn’t have one of the drugs so I ended up with too much in my dosset box. I started plotting.

I am glad to be able to say that despite this, I ended up doing the responsible thing and giving Sarah the excess. It’s also stressful though that the box is so easy to break into. Need to come up with a new plan really. I don’t want to, as Brent puts it, have a drug problem.

One interesting thing I heard Louise say to her friend was that children often become clingy when going through developmental leaps. If they start to crawl, for example, they notice their new independence and panic so want their mum. I wonder whether this parallels at all to me getting better and my attachments. Although I’m kind of always attached so who knows...

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