
By seddon

Chubby cheeks!

I had a good night last night, with no nappy leakages and I slept for 4.5 hours between feeds!
Me and mummy had to wake Thomas up for school this morning - he was still asleep at 8am!
Mummy thinks I'm having a growth spurt because all I have done all day is feed!
We picked Thomas up from school - mummy had to put the rain cover on my pram and I wasn't very impressed with it. Then after a quick change for Thomas we went to Morrison's. Thomas pushed the trolley and got all the things on his list. I went in my carrier and supervised with Mummy.
Daddy was home from work early, so after tea we had a film night. Thomas chose to watch the greatest showman again and I enjoyed the colours and the music, and fed some more!!
Mummy is hoping I've fed enough today to do another night like last night!!

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