
By ConstablePie

Stonewall Conference

I’m lucky enough to attend the Stonewall Conference every year along with a 1000 other delegates. This year the theme was Equality in the Workplace and as I’ve recently become Co-Chair of Spectrum our LGBT group I attended various workshops on Network groups. It was a great day and I came away with some great tips and really motivated. I also met some fabulous people and am in awe of how committed and dedicated people are to challenge inequality whilst often overcoming such difficult personal circumstances. It was great this year to see so many trans delegates and hear the positive stories of them transitioning at work and being so well supported.
I’m looking forward to being co-chair of our group as I’m a founding member, and it’s time I stepped up. However the group will soon learn that whilst I have lots of great ideas and enthusiasm, I’m not a completer finisher. Luckily though I’m good at making sure I have the people around me who love the detail and get the job done. Fingers crossed.

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