
By Pinkhairedlady

If Carlsberg did birthdays!

Arrived in Bermuda to beautiful clear water and ominously cloudy skies to find out there is a triathlon festival on so it’s busy busy busy. Lucklily therehas only been one brief shower.

Woken by the room steward delivering me some lovely flowers from Mr PHL and cards from both him and the children which had been hidden in the carry on luggage.

Presents came in the form of vouchers for my favourite Spa - Stobo Castle - so I was very pleased.

disembarked and tookthe localbus into Hamilton - passed over Somerset bridge, the smallest drawbridge in the world apparently - before reaching Hamilton. Quick trip into good old M&S to purchase an umbrella(!) and back on a different bus to head to the Crystal Caves which we are visiting after lunch at the Swizzle Inn which is the oldest pub in Bermuda.

The plan is to then head back to Hamilton for the ferry back to the dockyard where we are berthed for dinner in one of the speciality restaurants. And if I’m honest a few cocktails - well I need to celebrate don’t I?

Loved the giant footprints showing you how to get around the dockyard and thought the blip of that next to Mr PHL’s foot made a great silly shot. Thanks to Admirer for hosting.

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