
By CalSillyFace

A Serious Man

So reintegration is on us at last. Today was a really lovely day - the sun was out, everyone was happy, and despite the fact that everything was done in Kinyarwanda I managed to get a handle on most of it, and the atmosphere was generally so celebratory that it made for a fun event. This is a picture of one of the parents/guardians of two boys being reintegrated, shortly after he made a very earnest and visibly emotional speech. It's the first time I've been truly, unconditionally happy with a manually-taken photo, and beyond turning into black and white there's been no processing. Well chuffed.

The day at work was followed by a delicious dinner at an Ethiopian buffet and some pool over at Zinc, and by my finally finishing all the Sherlock Holmes books on the Kindle

Oh, and also, the house was searched at dawn by armed soldiers looking for weapons, illegal police/army uniforms and Congolese criminals. Made for a disconcerting start to the day.

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