Mirror, Mirror...

...on the wall in the entrance to Mom's current nursing home.  It's one of those mirrors like a sunburst with lots of reflective interesting spokes around its circumference and it has intrigued me since we started visiting there 6 weeks ago.  I decided to try a phone reflection  shot today.  I would like to try and get a much squarer shot of the whole mirror and its reflections so I shall have to take the proper camera next time I go.  This shot is of my dad, my sister and me visiting this afternoon - an afternoon of difficult speech, discomfort, difficult movement (0r not), some fear and shaking, a bit more liquid intake than normal and an avoidance of any question no matter how basic on Mom's part.  Still no word from the social worker - thought we might have had a progress report by now.  I will try phoning again tomorrow if I get chance on the way to the Upton Blipmeet.  Looking forward to that.

On a slightly disturbing note, Dad said to my sister and I this afternoon, "I shall have to tidy the garage up before your Mom comes home..."  There followed a rather tricky conversation about the unlikely scenario of Mom coming home...

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