
can be very deceiving.
This is a photo of our conservatory - which yesterday I cleaned and tidied so we could make it Christmassy, and today Tess finished decorating the conserva-tree (d'you see what I did there?), and I rearranged the furniture. It's brilliant how you can hide things with low lighting and pretty things. It's actually freezing cold, full of woodlice (especially the chairs - yuck!) and dog hair, mould and broken things that have faded in the sun, so we hardly ever use it.
But somehow lights and reflections have made it look pretty and big.

I wrote a flash fiction this morning. I'm missing being creative and thought I would explode if I didn't create something - however crap, today.
That's here: Middling

The rain stopped for most of the day (it's peeing down again now) and we managed a walk on the beach. In fact, someone we met said, "Isn't it a lovely day?!" And it wasn't at all a lovely day, but it simply wasn't raining.

I did some work in the office this afternoon, and since then have decided it's school holidays and will try not to expect much of myself other than to be part of Team Parent.

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