
At 8am this morning, Bella asked if I wanted a ticket for the school concert this evening. I asked why, she answered because she was singing in it!!! Great start to the day...

Clare picked me up to go to Treliske, she to meet her next placement people and me for a dermatology appointment. Which involved being weighed, blood pressure checks and an appointment for a fasting blood test, all in preparation for a drug they want to try to get these irritating hives under control!

Fortunately Clare agreed to babysit and Bella managed to get me a ticket for the concert - it was very good. It was put on by the music department and included various different groups. Bella sang with 10 other girls in the Yr7 Choir. I managed to video them on my camera and intended to get a still from the video. Only I have somehow managed to destroy the video and am left with just this one very poor photo...

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