Psalmist with a camera

By jellyfox

The Three R's

No not reading, 'riting and 'rithmetic!!! River, rain and running over!!!

There's a wonderful saying by a Chinese Philosopher who said, "The mark of a successful man is one who has spent an entire day on the bank of a river without feeling guilty about it.'

The mighty Avon meanders its way through several counties over several miles before it throws out a tributary that wanders waywardly through the fields at the bottom of the hill not far from home. .....but for all its beauty, it cannot match the majesty of the mighty Nile with a length of 4132 miles, which, if stretched across the USA would run from New York to Los Angeles!

However, when rain falls....both rivers cease their gentle courses and break through their natural boundaries to frolic in the fields and lowlands along their banks, creating untold havoc and misery to all who dwell beside them.

Make no mistake......we need rain and plenty of it according to some statistics!

If you want a single serving of lettuce, you need six gallons of it.
A glass of milk, you'll need 49 gallons.
A serving of steak, 2,600 gallons.

Maybe we should all be vegetarians!!

This was the sight that met my eyes this morning as I set off to visit the nearby town of Melksham! The skeleton of the car that didn't make it happened several floods ago....and remains there as a reminder of the power of an angry river.

The small 'one vehicle' bridge we were all queuing up to cross was standing firm against the force of water being thrust under its arches and I wonder what tomorrow will hold when all the rain that is falling as I blip, finds its way down the hill towards that already swollen river.

Is it time to build an ark??

Happy Blipping Everyone.

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