do you know the history...

...of the candy cane

i didn't - i thought it was simply an over rated, highly pepperminted piece of candy - that i was never really that fond of... here's the scoop in case you're interested ~

in 1672 - in cologne, germany, the choirmaster at cologne cathedral - wanted to quiet the noise the children were making... during the living crèche tradition of christmas eve - so he asked a local candy maker for some sweet sticks - to justify giving candy to the children during worship services - he asked the candy maker to add a crook to the top of each stick - thus helping the kids to remember the shepherds who a paid visit to the infant jesus... additionally - white coloring of the converted sticks was used to teach them about the christian belief in the sinless life of jesus... from germany - these popular candy canes spread to other parts of europe - where they were handed out during plays reenacting the nativity...

interestingly - a recipe for straight peppermint candy sticks - white with colored stripes - was published in 1844... and the candy cane has been mentioned in literature since 1866... it was first mentioned in association with christmas in 1874 - and as early as 1882 was hung on christmas trees... chicago confectioners - the bunte brothers filed the earliest patents for candy cane making machines in the early 1920s...

there you have it - all you might want to know - and a bit more... regarding the candy cane - they've been around for some time - who knew? creating tooth decay - yet giving pleasure - and providing many...


happy day.....

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