
By Legacy

Should I, Shouldn't I.....

This is the very cookbook which was the subject of the evening I spent at the community college (blipped on Nov. 16) when the author came to give a talk. He was delightfully entertaining and to complete the experience the culinary program students prepared samples of selections from the book which were delicious. Those are the facts.

The rest of the story is this: I have done everything but blind myself to avoid buying this book. I do not need this book. I want this book. I covet this book. I have fondled this book every time I go to the bookstore. It's a beautiful book, very heavy and there are gorgeous pictures in it -- I love, actually insist upon, pictures in a cookbook.

I've lectured myself, threatened myself and so far I'm hanging on, but I don't know how much longer I can resist buying the bloody thing. I don't want the book because I'm desperate to make all the recipes in the book, well maybe the triple coconut pie, but it's the kind of cookbook with more than recipes so it would be good reading on a rainy afternoon. It certainly wouldn't hurt to bake a couple of the cookie recipes, maybe a cake or two. I'm not sure but I think I'm too old to resist temptation.

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