Self portrait up at the school, IESE. A coachee in the States, connecting virtually from New York, was very happy and moved when she defined her core essence as 'purpose, independence and community', along with powerful short speeches to explain why, out of all the words in the language, she had settled on these three.

Our work is thorough and deep, so we know that she can lay authentic claim to every word, and every nuance within her descriptors of them. Each are important to her and all, together, resonate in a way that represents her.

'That's me', she said, at the end, which is my secret Key Performance Indicator (KPI) of a successful outcome for this particular type of work I do.

Then, it was on to set up a coaching process next week in Barcelona with a Mexican client calling in from Mexico City . . . and his first name is Ian! Perhaps the most Scottish of first names.

All in a day's work!

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