bush carols

A and I out for an early morning walk before the heat arrived.

The kookaburras must have had the same idea as there was a terrific noise from several trees and finally spotted these two, and even more excitingly they have a nest in a hollow burl to which one of them kept flying.
When together on the branch it was heads tilted back and great raucous chuckles

Reminded me of the first line of the Aussie version of the Twelve Days of Christmas
'On the first day of Christmas, my true love sent to me
A kookaburra in a gum tree'

(There are different versions but this one works with the kookaburras!
Twelve goanna goin, Eleven snakes a-sliding,
Ten dingoes dashing, Nine wombats waddling,
Eight koalas clinging, Seven emus running,
Six 'roos a-jumping, Five opals black,
Four great galahs, Three parakeets,
Two cockatoos, And a kookaburra up a gum tree)

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