
By Bradders

Mine, all mine

I'm in a mine! Very cool day today. I am part of the exploration team so I don't often deal with the established mine, but today they showed me what they do down there so I could get a better idea of the process.

Various things readers might find interesting...

Almost all of the mine you can drive through, to get to the lower levels you go down a spiral, which changes directions every few full circles.

The mine is very humid! It's quite warm down there even 100m down, partly because of the warm air pumped down from the surface, but that makes all the water evaporate off the wet rocks.

Everyone has to carry a self rescuer, basically if the air is bad in a disaster you take a deep breath and breathe into this mask-bag thing, chemicals within the mask allow you to breathe the air now in that bag for up to 30minutes.

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